What You Need to Know About Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal has become a popular medical procedure. It is estimated that about 30% of adults already have one or several tattoos, while about 50% of millennials have at least one tattoo. This increased number of individuals has been the main reason why SkinDC tattoo removal has become extremely popular. After a while, many individuals are not happy about their choice of getting a tattoo due to various reasons, and they regret this decision.

The survey indicates that about 25% of people with tattoos are openly regretful about getting them in the first place. The good news in the contemporary world is that the tattoos can be removed with very little side effects. Laser tattoo removal is one of the most reliable methods of getting rid of unwanted tattoos.

How laser tattoo removal works

The tattoos are removed through the use of lasers that use high-intensity beams of light to break up the color pigments. Black colored tattoos are the easiest to treat since the black color pigment takes in all the laser wavelengths.

The tattoos made using other colors can also be treated by using assorted lasers depending on the pigment colors present. It is important to first consult with a qualified health specialist, preferably a dermatologist who will dive into all the details involved during the procedure and give their recommendations on the most suitable treatment procedure.

During the consultation, the tattoo will be physically evaluated, and the treatment will begin depending on the size of the tattoo, age of the individual, and color pigments used on the tattoo. Other factors that determine the intensity of the treatment are the skin color of the individual and the depth of the tattoo pigments used.

What to expect during the laser removal session?

During the laser removal process, the patient will be provided with eye shields to protect their eyes. The health specialists will then test for the skin reactions towards the laser beams. The skin's reaction to the laser will influence the ideal type of energy to use during the procedure.

The laser is used to transmit pulses of intense laser beams on the skin's top layer, which are only taken in only by the tattoo pigment. The larger the size of the tattoo, the more the number of pulses required to remove it effectively.

Whether large or small, the tattoo will require at least several treatment sessions so as to remove it completely. After every consecutive treatment session, the tattoo should appear much lighter than it did during the previous session. The laser removal of tattoos is not comfortable; however, anesthesia is not necessary.

The topical anesthesia creams might, however, come in handy depending on the tattoo location. The topical anesthesia cream should be applied before the procedure. An ice pack should be used on the treated area immediately the procedure is completed, in order to soothe it.

Afterward, an antibiotic ointment or cream and bandage should be placed to keep it protected. In case one has to step outside, the area should be protected with a sun-blocking cream or ointment.

Side effects of the laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal is considered a much safer technique of removing tattoos as compared to salabrasion, excision, or dermabrasion. This is because the laser removal procedure selectively works on each individual tattoo color pigment.

The side effects are minimal, but some should be expected like an infection in the tattoo removal site, the possibility of a permanent scar, hypopigmentation, and in some cases, the tattoo is not removed completely.

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