What is Dietary Ketosis? An Explanation of the Keto Diet

Deitary ketosis, also known as a ketogenic diet or the keto diet, is a high-fat, low-carb way of losing weight and improving one’s overall performance. Millions of people worldwide have adopted keto as a part of their lives and sing its praises.

But what is the keto diet, really?

How the Keto Diet Destroys Body Fat

Unlike many popular weight loss diets, the keto diet doesn’t impose severely harsh restrictions on what you may or may not eat. There is, however, an emphasis on an elevated fat consumption in lieu of carbohydrates-which typically serve as the body’s energy source. The idea behind this is that by consuming more fat, the body will be inclined to burn fat for energy.

The focus of this unique diet is on the body’s ability to produce ketones, fuel molecules that the liver produces when the body experiences low blood sugar. Ketones act as an alternative to glucose (sugar) and are derived from fat. When the ketogenic lifestyle has been embraced, the individual’s body will begin to largely energize itself with the ketones instead of glucose. This is a simple explanation of how the ketogenic diet burns fat.

When this begins to happen, the body is known to be “in ketosis.”

Who Shouldn’t Use the Keto Diet?

Generally speaking, this diet is safe for just about everyone. However, some additional consultations with your physician might be necessary if you plan to start a ketogenic diet. This is something that anyone can (and arguably should) do before going on a new diet, but it is especially necessary for those who:

  • Are breastfeeding
  • Are taking medication for high blood pressure
  • Are taking medication for diabetes

If you’re unsure of the safety of this diet in your unique scenario, it is advisable that you speak with your doctor.

What Does a Ketosis Diet Plan Look Like?

According to fitnessgoals.com, the keto diet doesn’t necessarily restrict your food sources that much. That is, unless you really have a hard time separating yourself from carbs. The low-carb aspect of the keto diet is absolutely essential in achieving success.

It’s easier to know what to avoid when you begin planning your ketogenic diet:

  • Refined carbohydrates like bread and pasta
  • Starches like those found in potatoes
  • Fruit, with the exception of avocado and berries (to be consumed in moderation)
  • Sugar, including honey, soda and maple syrup

That might sound incredibly limiting, but there are a lot more things that you can eat:

  • Meat
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Vegetables that grow above ground
  • Dairy
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Natural oils and fats, like butter and coconut oil
  • Coffee and tea
  • Water, and as much of it as you want

You don’t have to completely nix carbohydrates from your diet, but the fewer carbs that you consume the better results you will have on the keto diet. For those who are committed to faster or more drastic results, counting one’s carb intake is a great way to get adjusted to a low-carb lifestyle. Also, protein bars can be an easy, nutritious way to hit your health goals. Read more about keto friendly bars!

With so many swearing by the keto diet for weight loss, it’s not hard to see why it’s one of the most researched diets on the internet. When your body is burning away ketones instead of glucose, it becomes a powerhouse of energy and wellness. And all of this is achieved without pills, supplements, powders or unpleasant-tasting “meal alternatives.”

Guest Post by - Ash Oak from FitnessGoal.com

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