Top 5 Apps for Calculating Calories and Nutrients in Meals

Weight is a challenge to many adults and young people in the US and other parts of the globe. Every year, most people make weight loss as part of their goal but a majority of them never make it a reality.

When you are into a healthy lifestyle and you start calculating calories in your meals, you should definitely understand how to calculate percentages, which is a great skill in life. There are many apps you can download from your phone’s app or play store to help you calculate the number of calories and nutrients in your meals. 


MyFitnessPal can be used on Windows, iOS and Android phones. It is known as one of the best apps for checking your calories and macros. MyFitnessPal performs multiple tasks like weight tracking, measuring your height and recommending your daily calories and macros intake depending on your dieting goals. 

Once you install the app on your phone, you gain access to MyFitnessPal blog, where you can get tips on keeping fit, the best foods to consume, practice and many more. The blog is a databank of recipes you can access and prepare the best fit for your health. 

You can download and install MyFitnessPal for free from the google or apple store. If you want to access more features, you can subscribe to the premium option. MyFitnessPal is one of the most widely used calorie and nutrients calculating app. 

Control My Weight 

This free software is best known to help users boost their morale when following a strict weight loss program. The friendly app keeps a record of all your daily consumption like carbohydrates, sugar, and fats. 

If you exceed the amount you should consume daily, it warns you to stop and if you are way below the recommended amount, it gives you the amount that you still need to consume. 

Whenever you buy carbs snacks from a store, use the Control My Weight barcode scanner to record the number of carbs, fat, and sugar in the snack. The app will calculate and warn you if it’s enough or if you need to eat more. 

When you are cooking from home, all you need to do is input the information of your recipe ingredients to know the quantity of nutrients your recipe will have. The Control My Weight app can also suggest to you the best meals you need to consume depending on your weight. 

Carb Manager 

The Carb Manager is best for people who want to lose weight using Keto dieting formulae. Generally, Keto dieting involves limiting your carbs intake and increasing your fat intake with minimal proteins. 

The app is specifically designed to record your carbs intake so that it remains as minimal as possible. If your carbs intake is not checked, your body cannot attain a Ketosis state. Carb Manager has three primary components: 

The Keto components calculate your carbohydrate intake, the nutrient calculator checks the amount of protein you are consuming and the fat calculator checks the number of fats and calories you are consuming. The app also has a full data bank of recipes on the Keto diet and advice on Ketosis. 


Cronometer is helpful to people who want to keep track of their micronutrient intake. The app helps you track your weight, exercise and food intake. Cronometer suggests the exact quantity and quality of food you must consume to stay healthy.

It also has a database of workouts you can take daily to help you burn fat and keep fit physically. For expectant or breastfeeding moms, the app can allow them to customize their calorie needs for a healthy baby. 

You can also set the Cronometer to allow you to follow specific weight-loss diets like a vegan diet and low carbohydrate diet. It has a food diary that you can follow daily and a detailed chart showing the exact portions of serving you should take. 

Nutritionix Track

Nutritionix Track is useful for people who love eating in restaurants and buying ready-made food from supermarkets, stores and vendors. The person who loves preparing their food from their kitchen can control the amount of high carb food to use in their recipe, but it’s impossible to control if you are buying ready-made food. 

The Nutritionix Track is useful in such situations. You can record the type of food you bought and the app will calculate the combined quantity of calories in the food so that you can make a better choice of the best food to buy next time. The app is free for IOs and Android and has a premium option of $5.99 per month. 


The days are gone when you relied on guesswork to know the number of calories and nutrients you needed to consume daily for a healthy lifestyle. By downloading and installing a diet calculator on your phone, you access all information you deserve to know about your food intake and health. Most of the apps are free except for a few that have a premium option. Everyone is encouraged to use calorie calculating apps for better health.

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