Tips for Exercising on Vacation

While many of us think of vacations as a time to enjoy the freedom and forget about all our responsibilities, eating whenever we want and whatever we want, the reality is, being active by exercising regularly is going to do a whole lot more for increasing our happiness level than any cocktail every could. Working out doesn’t just offer an immediate endorphin rush, it helps us over the long term by reducing stress and anxiety.

The problem many people struggle with is how to keep up a routine when they’re far away from home. Still, one survey found that 55 percent of Australians say they manage to do it, and Americans aren’t far behind at 53 percent. They know that traveling doesn’t have to interrupt their good habits. Even if you purchased a home for sale where you’ve invested in gym equipment, there are exercises you can do without all that gear, anytime and just about anywhere.

Explore Your Surroundings in a More Active Way

Find activities you enjoy that will allow you to experience your surroundings in a more unique way. Instead of taking a scenic drive, paddle, walk or cycle. The possibilities are practically endless, and the best exercise is exercise that’s fun.

A long bike ride can be a great way to see the area and get in a low-intensity workout – you’ll be burning calories while hardly even thinking about it. Hiking adds elevation to a walk, which means burning more calories too. Swimming, snorkeling, surfing, golfing or playing tennis are just a few of the other options.

Take a Long Walk on the Beach

If you’re vacationing where there’s a beach, take a walk on the sand. Walking in soft sand is an especially outstanding workout that burns a lot more calories than walking on flat ground – experts say it could be even twice as much. You might be surprised at just how hard it really is.

Pack Hotel Workout Gear

If getting outside isn’t going to be feasible, toss a jump rope and resistance band into your luggage as they’ll provide both a cardio workout and strength training. The jump rope can be used anywhere and offers an outstanding cardio workout in a short period of time. Resistance bands are great of upper and lower body strength training moves.

Use Your Body

There’s really no excuse for not exercising as your body provides hundreds of workout possibilities without equipment that can be done in a hotel room, outdoors on the beach, in a park or just about anywhere else. Before you head out on your vacation, take time to do some research online for bodyweight exercises that provide a full workout or those that focus on areas you want to target. Think everything from lunges and planks to burpees and triceps dips - after all, the only thing you really need is gravity and you.

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