Knowing the Signs of Alcohol Addiction

The 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health states that 86.3% of adults drink alcohol at some point. Drug and alcohol addiction cost the United States more than $600 billion annually. If you or your loved one struggle with alcohol addiction, seek the help of a Malibu addiction counselor as soon as possible.

Signs of Alcoholism

The signs of alcohol abuse may be subtle or obvious. They vary from one person to another and the severity of the addiction. Mild alcohol abuse is often easy to overlook. Unfortunately, many patients of alcohol addiction only seek help when the problem gets out of hand.

Without the right treatment, alcohol abuse can affect an individual’s life just as much as the lives of their loved ones. Knowing the signs to look out for may keep the problem from getting out of hand. Some of the warning signs to look out for include;

  • Drinking more than you planned to
  • Your drinking habits affect your performance at school or work.
  • Your drinking strains your relationships
  • Having tried and failed to reduce or quit drinking more than once
  • Spending a lot of your time thinking about alcohol or trying to get it
  • Losing interest in activities that you previously enjoyed
  • Having to drink more than usual to achieve the effect you desire
  • Failure to stop drinking even when it harms you
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms once the buzz wears off
  • Drink in secrecy
  • Increases irritability and mood swings

Unfortunately, there is no standard formula to determine alcohol addiction or its severity. However, you should seek help if you exhibit three or more of the above symptoms.

If you exhibit six or more symptoms, your addiction may be severe.
Seeking help early makes it easier to manage the addiction. Medical intervention is necessary even when the symptoms seem minor.

You can recognize alcoholism by asking four important questions;

  • 1. Have you ever felt the need to cut down on drinking?
  • 2. Do you ever feel bad or guilty about drinking?
  • 3. Do your loved ones criticize your drinking?
  • 4. Have you ever had to drink immediately to get rid of a hangover or steady your nerves?

If you answer yes to most of the questions, you may need help. Unfortunately, one of the biggest symptoms of alcoholism is denial. Many individuals who need help may find ways to rationalize their drinking or blame it on their circumstances.

Failure to admit that one needs help keeps them from getting it. Prolonged drinking has lots of health and social effects. It affects professional and personal relationships and may lead to life-threatening conditions. 

Are you seeking treatment for alcoholism? Get the care of professional and licensed professionals that specialize in addiction treatment. Self-treatment is not a good idea. In the end, it could make your situation worse. When going through the detox phase, you need close medical supervision. Some withdrawal symptoms may be fatal.

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