Glute Bridge: Features, Proper Form and Technique

It can be said without exaggeration that the gluteal bridge with a barbell should be one of the first exercises in the arsenal of any girl. This is an ultimatum movement that allows you to create an elastic ass and work out your hip biceps perfectly.

Moreover, making the gluteal bridge is useful even for men, since the exercise perfectly strengthens the lower back and is indicated even if there are problems with the spine. In this article, we will consider not only all the advantages of the exercise but also the variations of the bridge, as well as all the technical features when performing them.

Features and benefits of the glute bridge

Let's start with the most basic - why making the gluteal bridge is so important and why this exercise is useful. Many movements for the lower body are basic and load almost all muscles evenly. Isolating movements are not taken into account, because they have the main task.

There are not many exercises for the gluteal muscles and most of them have an isolating character. In such conditions, it is very difficult to really power the gluteal muscles. This is precisely the main task of the gluteal bridge.

And although the movement can be done without weight, it is better to consider this exercise as a power exercise, performing with weights: a barbell, heavy plates, a sand run, and so on.

It is also worth clarifying the nature of the pelvic (gluteal) bridge. Often it is called an isolating exercise, which is partly a mistake. In fact, it all depends on the option of the gluteal bridge.

When performed without weight, where the shoulder blades lie on the back, and only the pelvis rises, the exercise will really look like an insulating one. The knees practically do not take part in the movement, which creates the concept of “one-joint” execution.

Nevertheless, it is only necessary to begin to do the exercise with the barbell, when the work of the knees (and even the ankle joint) will immediately become visible. Accordingly, the inclusion of two joints makes the exercise basic, which is an unwritten rule of fitness. Therefore, in disputes about the nature of the exercise, both options will be true and it all depends on the chosen technique.

Variations of the glute raise

There are a large number of variations of the gluteal or pelvic bridges. The most effective is the option with a barbell (or pancakes), if we are talking about building muscle and increasing strength. However, performing this exercise without weight and in multiple reps will be a great option when losing weight. In general, among the most popular options for the bridge, it is worth highlighting the following types of execution:

  • With leg raise
  • On the Swiss ball
  • In Smith's simulator
  • On the step platform
  • On the Swiss ball.

The option on the ball is one of the most difficult and inconvenient, so you need to proceed with it if you have some physical training.

Also, to complicate the implementation, it can be done with an elastic band. To do this, it is necessary to put on an expander at the level of the knees to create additional resistance. Rubber will bring your feet together and holding the correct position will significantly complicate the movement, making it more effective.

Almost all of the options listed are much more difficult than the usual execution on the floor, therefore, even with a high level of physical fitness, progressing is quite easy. It is better not to start the development of the most powerful option with free weights.

The buttock bridge in Smith will be much safer and will initially work with good weight. Later it is better to switch to the bar, since with this option more muscle fibers are involved (due to the inclusion of stabilizers).

Also, free weight (barbell or pancakes) allows you to better control the amplitude of movement. If you want to perform the bridge in multi-repetitive mode, focusing on increased calorie expenditure for fat burning, then use weighting agents. Even +2 kg will increase the stress and effectiveness of the exercise.

Dumbbell Glute Bridge Technique

Consider the technique of the two most popular exercise options: the gluteal bridge on the bench and on the floor (with bodyweight). It is important to understand that in addition to the technique, it is very important to know which muscles work during the movement.

Some bodybuilders use anabolic steroids for muscles gain buying it on official online shop. This will allow you to focus the load on them and make the bridge correctly. At a minimum, for the exercise to be more effective for the buttocks, you need to learn how to relieve part of the load from the lower back.

Sit on a bench and place the barbell on your hips as high as possible. Feet forward and bend at the knees. Next, lower the pelvis to the floor, resting firmly on your hands. Place the shoulder blades and neck on the bench, hands hold the bar. In the initial position, the pelvis should be lowered down (the bridge is not lowering the pelvis down, but pushing the weight up and returning to its original position).

Next, begin to raise the pelvis until the body from the knees to the shoulders forms a straight line. It is allowed to push the weight up a bit, reducing the buttocks, but with a lot of weight, this must be done carefully.

Take a minimum pause and return to the starting position.

The technique of the dumbbell glute bridge is the same, but it will be very difficult to take the correct position. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, just ask someone to give you weight when you have already taken the correct position. To do this, simply place the weights on your hips and proceed with the exercise. Getting to know how to make a bridge on the floor is much easier. The technique is as follows:

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and rest against the floor. Place your hands along the body (they also help maintain balance).

Start lifting the pelvis until the body from knees to shoulders forms a single line.

Pause at the top and lower the pelvis to its original position.

It is important to remember that movement is done only at the expense of the hip joint, and the emphasis remains on the hands, shoulder blades, and feet.


The benefits of this exercise cannot be overestimated. It can be used in any program, adapting it both to work on muscle mass, and during drying. Moreover, among the many options, it is very easy to choose the one that suits the level of your current physical fitness. It is also important to remember that you need to start the bridge only after a thorough warm-up and at least a couple of completed exercises (one of them should include a lower back).

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