Category Archives for "Nutrition"

Discover the Many Benefits of Pomelos: A Comprehensive Guide

What are Pomelos? Pomelos, also known as pummelos or Chinese grapefruits, are large citrus fruits native to Southeast Asia. They have a thick, rough skin that ranges in color from green to yellow to pink, and a sweet, slightly tart flesh that can be white, pink, or red. Pomelos are closely related to grapefruits and […]

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6 Tips for Choosing Nutritious Breakfast Meals

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, and with good reason. Not only does it give you the energy and nutrients you need to start your day off right, but eating a healthy breakfast has also been linked to a range of health benefits, including weight management, improved mental […]

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The Best Greens Powder: Athletic Greens Vs Organifi Greens

Two of the biggest brands in the super greens powder space, if you spend even a couple of minutes browsing the internet for the best greens powder and you’ll end up coming across these brands. The fact is that we probably wouldn’t have said either of these two are the best options, but with them […]

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3 Tips for Eating Healthy on Vacation

Taking a vacation is all about escaping from the reality of your day to day life, but this doesn’t have to mean escaping from your diet. Although you should be focused on relaxing and enjoying your time away while on vacation, too many people use vacation as an excuse to ease up on their diet […]

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Does Vitamin D Boost Testosterone?

Written by Ben Bunting BA(Hons), PGCert. Vitamin D is naturally sourced from the sun, or a few food sources. As such a vitamin D deficiency can easily occur. However, vitamin D is highly important for the body, and can have an impact on the androgen hormones, such as testosterone. We shall take a look at […]

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4 Time-Saving Meal Prep Tips

Meal preparation is time consuming and that’s a problem for anyone leading a busy life. As a result, despite the many health benefits of eating home-cooked meals, we end up resorting to fast food on more days than anyone with a health-conscious mindset would like to. The focus of this post will be on reducing […]

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5 Ways To Boost Your Performance In The Gym

Whether you’re a super fit gym bunny, or a novice who finds weights intimidating, there is no denying, working out is good for you. However, even on our most motivated days, we can sometimes feel as though our workout wasn’t as good as it should have been. This can be down to several annoying issues […]

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5 Amazing Health Benefits of Consuming Matcha Tea

Besides being a favorite for tea lovers, matcha has skyrocketed in popularity lately. Cafes now offer matcha shots, lattes, teas, and desserts. Like green tea, matcha comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, but unlike it, matcha has a unique nutrient profile. You can get your pack of matcha tea in a super-powered form. Besides its amazing […]

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Top Foods to Rev Up Your Metabolism

Are you hitting the gym pretty much every day and still don’t see the results? Sadly, it can happen if the workout is the only thing you do to lose weight. Even though physical activity is very important for burning calories, everything starts in the kitchen. A properly balanced diet is an essential factor for revving […]

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