5 Natural Ways to Get a Brighter Smile at Home

People have spent hundreds and thousands of dollars in the pursuit of a perfect smile. From professional teeth whitening to over-the-counter kits that you can take home, we’ve tried everything.

However, there is a strong downside to all of these treatments and products as many of them use chemicals as a way to bleach your teeth, which makes them not a suitable long-term solution for anybody.

Fortunately, if you are craving a brighter smile, there are methods you can try that avoid any chemical use. Here are five natural and safe ways to whiten your teeth.

1. Brush with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a popular ingredient in many brands of toothpaste due to its natural whitening properties. This product is mildly abrasive, which helps it scrub away at any surface stains that might be on your teeth, so it is a two for one.

This is not something that will work overnight, but brushing with baking soda regularly over time will help prevent bacteria growth. Simply mix 2 teaspoons of water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda into a paste and brush your teeth with it, repeating this process a few times a week.

2. Regular Dentist Visits

The best way to get the best smile possible is by maintaining your regularly scheduled dental appointments. Your dentist is a professional in their field, so they really know their stuff. If you need a new dentist, do your research - finding a reputable dentist, such as Vellore Woods Dental Centre, is important in ensuring the highest quality care for your smile.

3. Take Precautionary Measures

While your teeth will naturally turn more yellow as you get older, there are a few things you can do to prevent teeth stains such as avoiding certain foods and beverages. You want to try to prevent things from staining your teeth before they even get a chance to. Here are a few precautionary measures you can take.

  • Eat Plenty of Calcium-rich Food

    Eating plenty of calcium will help strengthen your teeth enamel, which in turn supports a pearly white smile. Try eating more broccoli, milk, and cheese.
  • Limit Your Sugar Intake

    A diet that contains a lot of sugar increases your risk of developing gingivitis. If you do eat something very sugary, like caramel or candy, brush your teeth as soon as you can afterwards.
  • Avoid Staining Foods and Beverages

    For many of us, some of our favorite foods and beverages are the most detrimental to our teeth. Try to cut down on the following items (or at least make sure to brush immediately afterwards): soy sauce, coffee, pickles, red wine, berries, soda, and candy.

4. Never Skip Your Routine

The value of brushing your teeth and flossing them should never be underestimated. The slow discoloration of your teeth is often the result of plaque building up. Regular oral maintenance, such as brushing and flossing, is a good way to prevent plaque build-up and reduce bacteria growth. Find a good toothpaste to gently rub out the stains on your teeth while your floss removes any remaining bacteria.

5. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is often used as a natural cleaning product and disinfectant. Its main ingredient, acetic acid, is very effective at killing bacteria.

However, due to its acidity, you should not use this every day as it could have the potential to erode away your protective enamel. As long as you limit the amount of time that this vinegar is in direct contact with your teeth, you should reap the positive benefits while avoiding the negative.

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